Trang Chủ :: Chia Sẻ

Poem 70

May You Have…

May you have the Joy
From far away and far above the sky!
The Joy that no one on earth could provide,
But only the Lord, our Almighty Father can!

May you have the Love
Given by our Lord, that will never end!
The precious Love that gives you more strength,
Makes you feel hope, and will always be your Friend!

May you have the Peace
From our heavenly God, that always comforts you!
His Peace brings happiness wherever you are
For the Lord will always be with you and make you renew!

May you have His Light
That shows you the way at night and gives you delight;
For He is our absolute God who always Loves us
And He is our Creator who we can always trust!

Tieu Minh Ngoc
Monday, November 21, 2005