Hope for Tomorrow

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The handsome dining room looked bright but it was empty. Janet's family was sitting around the dining table. Yet, Janet was anxious to be out at the door to see her beloved brother coming back from far away. Janet hoped that her brother would be back to join her family for dinner - the family Easter party.

Spring was coming all over the country. The weather was getting warmer. Janet was still out the door. Her heart told her: "Well, when my brother comes back, I will have a good time going out for a walk and talking to him long into the night". Keenly thinking, Janet's face appeared bright. At this time, every family member understood her love for her beloved brother.

Everything was going well. Everyone was enjoying themselves at dinner. Suddenly it was getting windy. The wind was stronger and stronger. And from every corner of the country, it was broadcast that there was no doubt about the coming storm. A gust of cold air came into the room. She felt worried and fearful. The moment of absence and silence overwhelmed Janet. She couldn't do anything but hold an earnest prayer, "O' God, let my brother come back safely tomorrow".

Then, Janet stepped outdoors into the strong wind, looking at the world through tears. The tears streamed down her face. In a moment, she quietly closed the outer door because of the heavy storm. The meal was soon eaten and cleared away. The whole family was in bed. Janet alone was sitting in the quiet in her room, listlessly looking out of the window. Somehow, Janet turned on the radio and tuned in to the right channel from which she could hear a voice of powerfully sweet lyric soprano:

"Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And the life is worth living
Just because He lives."

At this point, Janet felt consoled and secured when the meaning of Easter song and Jesus touched her. Indeed, peace of mind and inner joy flooded her mind and soul when she reached to Jesus - Hope for Tomorrow. Jesus, God's Son came to the earth more than 2000 years ago. He lived among us as a human being. He died on the cross for our sins and rose again the third day. Jesus is truely alive - Hope for Tomorrow for Janet and all the humankind. The past we need not fear is forgiven. The present we need not fear is provided for. The future is also secured by the living power of Jesus.

If you'd like to know more about who Jesus is, please click here.

Esther L.
March 30, 2002

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